
July 25, 2003

A lot of folks are apparently blogging these days. Applications: Blogging By The Numbers

Me? Not much. I'm going to my 30th (!!??) HS reunion this weekend in lovely Bend, Oregon. Perhaps you'll be there? I"ll buy you a brew.

July 02, 2003

Oh, I see why the feds got to the top of the heap. They opened the floodgates for people to sign up for the 'do not call' list. They say they expected 60 million people to sign up the first year. Instead, they've received 10 million requests in FOUR DAYS. Register for DO NOT CALL lists.

ManoMan, www.2webvoices.com

Since I've never done anything 'blog' before, I must admit this is all new. So the question is what to do?

I've looked at other blogs, and of course, they range from mental misfits to acute observations, to travel and other flotsam.

How can I be different? I can't. There is nothing different out there. So I'll just be myself...the same as everybody else.

I'm currently researching the web for anything to do with 70s culture, music, memories and movies. So far, there's a lot of crap.

I'm also interested in teaching kids how to manage money. Lord knows I should have been in on that frickin' loop when I was a kid. When I was in my early 20's the credit card companies found I existed, that I was an easy mark, and it's been in and out of debt since. Mostly In.

So who do I tell about this?

Perhaps the search engines will find me if I mention the hot items: Harry Potter, Clay Aiken, Pamela Anderson, internet marketing...and (a new #1 this week!): FEDERAL DO NOT CALL LIST. Jumping in from off the charts to number one (I sound just like Casey Kasum when I said that, BTW).

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